New Year,  Outdated Software

 Happy New Year! As 2025 begins, most of us are doing one (or both) of two things – planning for the new or reflecting on the old. But what if the old is holding you back from doing something new? No, we're not getting into your childhood baggage. Today, we're talking about the problems with outdated software!

There was a time not so long ago when you could buy a piece of equipment and use it until it broke and then fix it. If it wore out completely, you replaced it.

But between the 80s and 90s, computers became an office and household staple, and with it, along came the IT profession. (Hi!)

Computers were expensive (even more so then than now)! And people kept figuring out more things they could do with it. So, it made sense to add software to the computer's hardware.

And once the internet came along, innovation multiplied! But so did the hacking and our ability to communicate about problems. Now, updating software after you buy it is more common than changing a uniform.  

The Problems with Outdated Software

So why do software updates matter, and how can outdated software hurt you? Sadly, there are many ways!

Bad Experience 

The first problem you'll notice with outdated software is a poor user experience. You may find that some features aren't working as well, or at all! We had a client who had to finally relent on getting a new phone when his banking app stopped accepting mobile deposits!

Compatibility Issues

One subcategory of poor user experience is software compatibility problems. These days, it's rare for a piece of software to not connect to other pieces. But if your new software depends on another piece of outdated software (especially if it's the operating system), you may find that your perfectly functional new software won't work either!

No Support 

When outdated software is finally put out to pasture, you lose the support of the software engineers. Software companies have finite resources and can't spend time on something they sold 20 years ago! That means that if something stops working, you're left to figure it out for yourself or hire a pro for your IT problems.

Data Loss

If you wait too long to replace or update outdated software, you may lose more than its functionality. You could also use the data it stores! While that can mean a major inconvenience for individuals, for customers, it can mean losing client data – and then clients!

Loss of Client Trust

If a client asks you for something you can't provide because you have outdated software, they'll lose trust in you and your decision-making abilities. If they get a glimpse of your old software, they may even wonder if your company is solvent.  

Security Problems 

Finally, the most dangerous issue with outdated software is security vulnerabilities. When you don't update software, you're keeping old problems in place, and hackers know how to take advantage of those security holes. In some cases, that may be why companies issued software patches in the first place.

If you store client data in your software, you're not just putting yourself at risk.

Replace or Update Outdated Software

We all get busy! It's to forget about items that aren't directly related to our bottom lines or that don't stare us in the face every day. That's why it pays to have a quality IT company on your team to keep an eye on all of your IT systems for you.  

Let AesirTech ensure you don't have any outdated software and prevent your IT problems before they start. If you've been waiting for the right time, the start of a New Year seems like the perfect spot to start!



New Year is Coming! Time for Purchasing IT Equipment?